This past weekend, we celebrated Ainsley’s 4th birthday with a mermaid party…. exactly what she asked for and she was so thrilled. Thanks to everyone that came out to celebrate with us.
In my 6 years of throwing birthday parties, this was my first time ordering a cake from someone else and I was so happy I did. My friend from Frostd Pink Cupcakes did such a fabulous job. I gave her a general idea of what I wanted and then gave her creative freedom with the rest. LOVE! Thanks Meghan!
She also made a dozen cupcakes with mermaid fins sticking out. How adorable! All of the kids wanted one of these.
Several months ago, I was sent some items from American Crafts to use for the party. If you have never checked out the Amy Locurto Pebbbles Line from American Crafts, you need to! Throughout the party pictures, you will see their products turned into party decorations. I made the banner below out of the mermaid scrapbook paper and the puffy letter stickers. I also added some flower pinwheels to the walls.
To add to the sugar level, I added frosted pretzel rods and frosted marshmallows (because marshmallows always need frosting, right?) The kids happily gobbled those up. Sorry parents 🙂
To see more photos of the dress I made for Ainsley, go HERE.
(she kept trying to take licks from the cupcakes 😉
Here is a closer view of the banner I made from the Amy Locurto’s paper collection.
the simple decorations included streamers and balloons.
And of course a fish bowl filled with jello and swedish fish.
On the bowl, I had Ainsley help me put some stickers from the American Crafts collection.
simple banner, goodie bags closed with stickers, and a “thanks for swimming by” sign
Ainsley loved her rose bouquet the my mum brought for her.
Simple water bottle wrappers that I cut to size out of the mermaid collection papers. The lemonade container was adorned with a banner embellishment.

She wanted “Pin the Tail on the Mermaid” of course, so I printed my own from HERE…. taped them together, and mod podged them onto a sheet of poster board. Then, I cut out mermaid tails from pink glittery paper.
Then, it was time to eat the cake and the kids were SO excited.
I love how determined the 3 of them look here.
Pinata time! Now, let me explain…. when I ordered this pinata, I got a good laugh. This mermaid looked like she had seen better days and perhaps she misapplied her makeup at some point. So, to see the kids whacking her with a bat and arms flying off….
it was pretty funny for all of the adults watching.
I mean, you can’t NOT laugh right?
I won’t even tell you some of the jokes that were made
(out of ear shot of the kids, obviously:)
Try getting a photo of a bunch of silly girls….
and you get a silly photo of adorable girls.
Gift time!
She had lots of friends to help
It was a wonderful day!
I still can’t believe that Ainsley is 4 years old today.
Happy Birthday to my…
sweet, caring, sensitive, funny, goofy, smart, kitten loving
little girl…who still makes the same faces.
Hayley Crouse is a wife, mother and multifaceted designer. Her love of sewing, crafting, cooking and interior design infuses her daily life and naturally spills over into her online presence. She pushes the envelope of her creativity and hopes that others will be inspired to do the same. She currently authors the Welcome to the Mouse House Blog, is the pattern designer behind Mouse House Creations and is a collaborative designer with Willow & Co. Patterns.
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I just love how gorgeous your parties are!!!
thank you!
I agree with Jeanine! Lucky little girl!
thanks Brianne!
Oh my gosh. I love those faces, and all the forehead stickers! It looks like everyone had a great time! Mine turns 4 next month, and I haven’t even started thinking about a party yet. 8-|
Thanks so much Toni! Happy birthday to yours…. you will have a great party, I am sure.
love love love!!!! She is so so sweet, and the party looks like it was perfect for her!
thanks Suzanne! Yes, it was definitely the perfect party for Ainsley!
Amazing! She does still make the same faces! Adorable. Happy birthday Ainsley. My daughter turns 4 tomorrow, too!
thanks Annika! Hope your little one had a happy birthday, as well!
Happy Birthdsy Ainsley!! Great job on the party, looks like she had a blast.
Thanks so much Sheena!
Such a cute little girl and party!
thank you!
What a wonderful party! Happy Birthday, Ainsley!
Oh, how I wish I had littles still!