Consciously Parenting: A Book Review

When I was approached about reading and reviewing a new parenting book, I was really excited because I have read so many of them in the past due to my degrees in Psychology and Education. However, it has been quite a while since I  read one that really struck a chord with me like this one did.  

The Consciously Parenting Series, is a 4 part series and I was sent Book I to read and review.  Right off the bat, I loved the title because it mentions family and not just children.  Teaching the entire family how to interact is what I believe to be the most important factor of a successful parenting journey.

(plus, Rebecca wrote a really,really sweet comment in mine that made me smile:)

My absolute favorite part of the book is that she has compiled real stories from real families and children, which really brings the reader in and allows them to empathize and relate.  There were a few anecdotal stories that had me saying “Yep, mmmhmmm, yes, I remember when that happened to us!”  

Chapter Eight:  Setting Limits While Honoring Feelings
is by FAR the best chapter (in my opinion) and I need to read it again because this is something my family struggles with on a daily basis.  Rebecca explains in such detail about how to “parent beyond behavior” and about setting boundaries, while still accepting the child’s feelings.  The section that I remember most from this chapter was “Awareness of Ourselves”.  I am very, very guilty of having a bad day and not being a very good parent, as a result.  It happens to the best of us, but it reminded me of how I should handle those situations appropriately. 

This is SUCH a well written book, and I honestly cannot wait for the rest of the books in the series to be released.   Ever since I read Book I of the series, I often find myself remembering points from  different chapters.  For instance, my son Ethan was having a meltdown the other day and I took a deep breath and reminded myself about Chapter Two:  What Is Your Child’s Behavior Saying?  This particular chapter is very heavy with the neuroscience (which I love!) and it really explains WHY your child is acting the way he/she is.  In Ethan’s case, he was hungry…. I didn’t realize that he hadn’t eaten for several hours, no WONDER he was throwing a fit!  I would be throwing a fit too:)

Thank you so much to Rebecca and her team for introducing me to such a wonderful resource.  Not only does Rebecca have the book series (the rest of the books will be out soon!), she also has websites, a blog, and multiple avenues for support. 

Buy her books HERE
Check out her website HERE
She is on Facebook HERE
And her blog HERE

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Hayley Crouse is a wife, mother and multifaceted designer. Her love of sewing, crafting, cooking and interior design infuses her daily life and naturally spills over into her online presence. She pushes the envelope of her creativity and hopes that others will be inspired to do the same. She currently authors the Welcome to the Mouse House Blog, is the pattern designer behind Mouse House Creations and is a collaborative designer with Willow & Co. Patterns.
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