Can’t believe this is our 3rd year going to Dutch Wonderland! Obviously, this was Ainsley’s first time (other than when I was pregnant with her last year:) and she had a blast!!! It was the perfect weather and neither kid was whiny…. seriously, that almost never happens.
Enjoy the pictures!
Trying to get a picture with “Duke” the mascot. Fail: Yay for carousel rides!

Ainsley and Ethan on the fighter jet. I was so worried that Ainsley would try to climb out during the ride, but she ended up loving it and waved at everyone:
Ethan and Mommy on the bumper cars. He was none too pleased when we would get bumped, but enjoyed the driving:

Ethan riding some weird bumble bee ride. Why is there a beehive, but he riding in a panda bear? Do panda bears eat bees? Or is that puppy dog? hahah. I think I need to talk to a manager about this…

Ethan riding some weird bumble bee ride. Why is there a beehive, but he riding in a panda bear? Do panda bears eat bees? Or is that puppy dog? hahah. I think I need to talk to a manager about this…
Hayley Crouse is a wife, mother and multifaceted designer. Her love of sewing, crafting, cooking and interior design infuses her daily life and naturally spills over into her online presence. She pushes the envelope of her creativity and hopes that others will be inspired to do the same. She currently authors the Welcome to the Mouse House Blog, is the pattern designer behind Mouse House Creations and is a collaborative designer with Willow & Co. Patterns.
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