Quick picture post! We are packing up to move and don’t have time for much more than a picture post.
Ainsley is a super good crawler now and gets into lots of mischief: Ethan has been enjoying all the boxes laying around the house:

Ainsley drinks really well from a straw cup, just like her big brother (still won’t take a darned bottle, though)
Hayley Crouse is a wife, mother and multifaceted designer. Her love of sewing, crafting, cooking and interior design infuses her daily life and naturally spills over into her online presence. She pushes the envelope of her creativity and hopes that others will be inspired to do the same. She currently authors the Welcome to the Mouse House Blog, is the pattern designer behind Mouse House Creations and is a collaborative designer with Willow & Co. Patterns.
Latest posts by Hayley (see all)
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