So, Ainsley is 5 months old now and it’s about time that I get my butt in gear and start updating this blog! It’s so true…the second child always gets a little bit shafted. Ainsley has not had any professional pictures taken yet, even though we used to take Ethan every few months. Oops. I have barely kept up with her baby book and the daily photo shoots are non-existant because I am busy chasing after Ethan, changing two sets of diapers, dealing with lots more laundry, and trying to rest when I can. Phew. It is hard being the mother of two young kids, but it is so awesome!!! Now that things seem like they are settling down a little, I will be updating way more frequently.
The last 5 months have been so incredibly busy. We have our house up for sale (wish us luck!), so not only have I been taking care of two kids on a daily basis, I have been making sure the house is acceptable for showings. We have had great feedback on our house so far and even one contingent offer, but nothing yet that will get us out of here. Hopefully soon.
Here are some updates on Ethan:
Ethan is a little over 2.5 years old. You would not believe his progress over the last several months!!! He went from not speaking a word to talking up a storm, in fact, I have to often tell him to “hush” because he will wake up his sister. Unbelievable!!! He can count to 20; count backwards from 10; name and recognize tons of shapes including rhombus, octagon, hexagon, pentagon, rectangle, triangle, parallelagram, etc. ; name and recognize all colors; and talk with an amazing vocabulary. Yes, I am bragging. The kid is a genius, hahah. It’s so wonderful to hear his voice and to see him be able to communicate with us. Unfortunately, he also learned the word “No”. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. However, we are pretty sure they will change his diagnosis to Aspbergers. We’ll see.
He is still a skinny little dude, doesn’t like to eat, won’t use a spoon or fork, always wants applesauce, likes to do a dance that we call “The Ethan Dance”, enjoys car rides, loves the book “Where the Wild Things Are”, can spin any object you give him, hates when things aren’t perfect, enjoys running, excels at drawing circles, and is absolutely the sweetest boy I have ever met. He is the light of our lives.
Updates on Ainsley:
As mentioned above, Ainsley is now 5 months old. She is a giant baby, weighing in at almost 17 pounds. The rolls on her legs are just absolutely adorable and I am pretty sure her thighs are the size of my thighs. She is still breastfed and allergic to dairy and soy, which requires a very restricted diet for me…. pain in my butt. I can’t eat much more than grilled chicken salads, but she is very worth it! She is a very social baby and loves everyone around her. Ainsley started smiling at 3.5 weeks old, laughing at 4 months old, she rolls both ways which means I can’t leave her on the floor unattended anymore because she will end up wedged under a piece of furniture when I am not looking, she is desperately trying to crawl, loves to bounce, thoroughly enjoys bathtime, hates sleeping, has a very sensitive tummy, sits up unattended for at least 10 seconds, and screams at you until you pay her some attention. The first few months of her life were really tough because she had the undiagnosed allergies, but once we got those figured out things got so much better. She started sleeping better (“only” waking up 2-4 times a night, compared to 10 times a night) and her personality started shining through. She is most definitely going to be the drama queen/attitude of the family. Ainsley’s cheeks are the talk of the town because they are so large and gorgeous. I am so happy to have a little girl and I can’t wait until we can have Mommy/Daughter time together.
Well, that “sums” up our last 5 months. Sure, there is a lot more to the story, but I can’t exactly detail everything in one post! I will definitely update this more often because I feel like I am missing some important milestones in my kids’ lives.
Here are some pictures of the past 5 months:
(they are going to be shown from most recent to oldest because I am too tired to switch them around 🙂
Impossible to get a good pic of both kids together:

Ethan on his “laptop”:
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- Susie Halter Top and Shorts: Project Run and Play - July 18, 2018
Golly you have cute kids! 🙂 I love Ainsley’s chubby cheeks!
Oh My! Ethan & Ainsley melt my heart. How lucky I am to have such beautiful grandchildren.
AWE sweet! LOved reading the updates!