Hi there! It looks like this if your first time visiting. I would LURVE for you to sign up for my newsletter to get exclusive discounts and updates. And while you’re at it, why not follow me on Bloglovin’? Unbelievable! Totally unbelievable! It was so unbelievable that I had to capture it on video! Check […]
Darned Internet…
Just wanted to let everyone know that our internet has been giving us troubles the past few weeks, hence the reason there have been no new blog entries. The problem seems to have been solved (Thanks Dad!) so let the blogging commence!

Ethan’s “First” Halloween
Okay, so it’s not Ethan’s real first Halloween, but we didn’t dress him up or take him out last year. I mean, the kid was only 4 months old on Halloween and he went to bed at 5:30pm…. there really wasn’t much point. (I am sure he will throw this back in my face during […]

Randomness About Ethan
I figured it has been a while since I told everyone what Ethan has been up to, so here it is! Ethan is just a little over 16 months (I can’t believe it!) and he weighs about 23 pounds and is 32 inches tall. He wears a size 5.5-6 shoe and he is mostly in […]

Great Pictures of Ethan
My friend Angie takes awesome pictures and she recently sent me a few that she took of Ethan. They are so fantastic, Angie! Thanks! (please take more of him!)

Spoon Me!
Okay, this may not be a big deal in the scheme of life, but in regards to Ethan’s development, this is HUGE! HE USED A SPOON FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!! No, he wasn’t doing it perfectly and Yes, he got really messy, but you know what???? HE DID IT ALL BY HIMSELF!!! I have been […]

Yes, He Has a Leash.
After much thought and consideration, we bought Ethan a harness (aka LEASH). Back in the 80’s, when I was a kid, the kinds of leashes they had available were pretty horrible looking, but now they have cute, adorable choices! I never, ever thought I would be the type of parent to get one. However, as […]
Teeth, Teeth, and MORE Teeth!
It’s official… A toddler’s sleep patterns get totally thrown off when new teeth are on the horizon. Not only does the toddler’s sleep pattern get off kilter, so does the poor Mother and Father. Little Ethan has at least two new teeth coming in, if not four, all at the same time. Poor guy. Poor […]
A Wonderful Shop
One of my friends, Courtney, has recently opened up her shop on: www.etsy.com If you are not familiar with Etsy, it is a fantastic place to shop, full of crafters and artsy people. They sell wonderful homemade products. Courtney’s store is: www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=6163746 She is selling amazing postcards and I plan to buy some as soon […]
99 Things
99 Facts about me. Copy and paste this into your blog, as well! Just highlight the things that apply to you! 1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii (well, the airport, does that count?) 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you […]

Pumpkin Picking
We went to a local orchard about 15 minutes from our house to pick our first family pumpkins. It was an absolutely beautiful place! Plus, it was such a great time! Here are some pics…

My Little Penguin
We borrowed a Halloween costume from our friends PJ and Danna! Thanks guys! I figured we should try it on for size before the big day… Here is what Ethan thought of it.

The Town Parade
We went to our Town’s Annual Halloween Parade this past weekend. It was our first time going because last year Ethan was only 4 months old and we didn’t really feel that it would be a fun time. Since we are relatively new to this town, we didn’t know what to expect. We found out […]
All About ME!!!
Haha. I got this idea from an email that I recently received. I am going to answer these questions regarding ME!~ 1. What is your occupation? Stay At Home Mother/Keeper of the House 2. What color are your socks right now? None, but when I do wear them, they are always patterned… I do NOT […]
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