Hi there! It looks like this if your first time visiting. I would LURVE for you to sign up for my newsletter to get exclusive discounts and updates. And while you’re at it, why not follow me on Bloglovin’? Seriously! A while ago, I uploaded pictures of Ethan’s Big Boy Room to HGTV’s “Rate My […]

House Renovations: Part 2
It’s been a real busy month! Refer here to see all the before and “semi-after” pictures of our house. We are nowhere near done, but it’s getting there at a snail’s pace. Notice there are still no pictures of the upstairs, aside from Ethan’s Room? That is because the rest of is just not even […]

Dutch Wonderland: Year 3
Can’t believe this is our 3rd year going to Dutch Wonderland! Obviously, this was Ainsley’s first time (other than when I was pregnant with her last year:) and she had a blast!!! It was the perfect weather and neither kid was whiny…. seriously, that almost never happens. Enjoy the pictures! Trying to get a picture […]
A Year Of Ainsley at OneTrueMedia.com
We are so unbelievably excited and bewildered that Ainsley Catherine is turning one soon! Where does the time go? She is the biggest sweetheart with the greatest smile EVER. We love her with all our hearts and look forward to seeing her personality shine. Photo and video editing at www.OneTrueMedia.com

Ethan’s Room is Finished!
Update: Ethan’s NEW bedroom can be found HERE FINALLY, we can say that one room in the house is finished! Well, almost finished because I still have a few more things to do, but I can pretty much say that Ethan’s room is good to go. Can you tell what the theme is? haha. I […]

First Day of School
I can’t believe it, but the time has come for Ethan’s first day of preschool. *sniff* *sniff* I was happy and sad all at the same time today when I left him with virtual strangers in a classroom. It will be a great experience for him and I am sure he will learn/grow so much, […]

House Renovations-Part 1
We have been NON STOP with fixing up our new house and it feels like nothing is complete yet. There are ladders and paintbrushes everywhere. Accessories are randomly located. Paint samples are strewn about. Not one room is finished and it’s driving me nuts! However, it’s been really fun doing all of it. (well, not […]

Ethan is Three Years Old!
Pictures from Ethan’s BIG 3rd Birthday Party! I decided to have a sailboat theme because that is what I am designing his new “big boy” room with. I had fun with it~! I made lots of tissue paper poofs. Super easy, super cute. Outdoor decorations, but it was too hot to enjoy: Sailboat replica and […]
5 Years of Marriage!
Today is our 5 year wedding anniversary! 2 kids and a dog later, we are happier than ever. We will celebrate by going to an IEP meeting for Ethan (note the excitement, haha), making chicken for dinner, and trying to get some much needed sleep. Not quite as exciting as I had hoped, but that […]

Pictures of My Cutie Pies!

Chaos: In Pictures
Never in my life have I lived in such chaos. There are boxes everywhere. Toys everywhere. Spackle on every wall. Pictures misplaced. Such a mess. Breathe, Hayley, Breathe. There will be an end to this mess at some point. Moving sucks. This is the hutch I bought on Craigslist…. It is on my “to do” […]

April 2010 Pictures
Quick picture post! We are packing up to move and don’t have time for much more than a picture post. Ainsley is a super good crawler now and gets into lots of mischief: Ethan has been enjoying all the boxes laying around the house: Ainsley drinks really well from a straw cup, just like her […]
Ethan and Ainsley Quarterly Updates
Okay, so I don’t really have official “quarterly updates”, but I feel like it’s time to do an update on Ethan and Ainsley. EthanWe can’t believe that he will be 3 years old in June! That is absolutely insane…. where did the past three years go?! Ethan has progressed so incredibly much in the past […]

Easter 2010
We had such a great time this year for Easter! Not only was it Easter, but it was also my 30th birthday, so it was wonderful that we could have everyone over to our house to celebrate both occasions. The “guest list” included my parents, Garrett’s parents, Garrett’s brother and his girlfriend, his girlfriend’s mother, […]
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