Grow Ainsley, grow!

Grow Ainsley, grow!
Thanks again, Beira, for taking such awesome photos! We love them!
So, I am finally 23 weeks!!! No more morning sickness (for the most part anyway) and I am FINALLY gaining weight! Woo Hoo!!!! Little Ainsley is kicking around and keeping me up at night. The pictures show how tired I am…. It’s all worth it.
So, I came across this website today and it is great for a few laughs. There were a few that had me laughing out loud all by myself. Check it out!
After much discussion, debate, turmoil, and wonderful advice from friends, we have finally decided on a name for our little baby girl: Ainsley CatherineSo, do you like it? Well, too darned bad if you don’t like it because we aren’t changing it now! HAHA. It is such a relief to finally be able to refer […]
My friend Beira is starting her photography business and took pictures of Ethan to start off her website. The two that are displayed on her website turned out wonderfully and I can’t wait to see the rest of them when she finishes editing! Here is her website, check out our photos: When her business […]
As most of you know, Ethan was diagnosed with a very mild case of Autism and he has been receiving multiple therapies a week. So far, he seems to be making fantastic progress, but he still doesn’t have any verbal skills. Instead, he has some “signs” that he uses in place of certain words. His […]
Ethan’s experience with the Easter Bunny last year was full of tears, but this year was much better. There were no smiles, but at least he sat on Mr. Bunny’s lap without TOO much of a fuss. (Isn’t this the creepiest looking bunny you have ever seen??) We spent Easter at Emmy’s (Hayley’s mum) house […]
GIRL!!!!! We have had two ultrasounds so far that showed GIRL!!!! I am still in shock and now I need to think of names! So exciting!!!!!!!
Snack and juice in hand. Favorite show on DVD. Comfy, personalized couch. Just woke up from a 3 hour nap. Can life get much better for this little man?
Here is a picture of our wonderful baby! We still have no idea if it’s a boy or girl, but it’s as healthy as can be! What more can you ask for?
What a big boy! He just got weighed the other day and he is now almost 26 pounds! No wonder I am having trouble carrying him up the stairs. His last four teeth are starting to poke through, causing a very whiny, uncomfortable boy. Nothing a little snuggle time can’t fix. We can’t believe that […]
Most of you already know our big news by now! We are expecting another little baby this coming September and we couldn’t be more excited. Unfortunately, pregnancy has caused MAJOR sickness this time around. I certainly didn’t feel this way when I was pregnant with Ethan, so it’s a whole new experience. This is mostly […]
Wow! I can’t believe the last entry was back in January!!! I have gotten several emails regarding the lack of updates, so I figured now was a better time than ever to get back into the swing of things!!! Things have been a little hectic around our neck of the woods. I will follow this […]
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