We finally got Ethan back to the hairdresser and it was desperately needed. Here is the big man after his haircut (and some mousse for styling purposes:)

We finally got Ethan back to the hairdresser and it was desperately needed. Here is the big man after his haircut (and some mousse for styling purposes:)
Our realtor just called and told us that our offer was accepted on a house. We couldn’t be more excited and relieved…. the house is absolutely perfect for us, in a wonderful neighborhood, has the fireplace we wanted so badly, and is virtually move in ready. What more could you ask for? Here are a […]
Well, our house is finally under contract!!!!!!!!!!! Let’s hope it stays that way this time. The paperwork is signed, the earnest money has been paid, and boxes are starting to get packed. Phew! However, we have had more than our fair share of troubles finding a new home. So far, we have found three houses […]
So, I realize these are going to be totally blurry, but it’s the best I can do until I can get her professional photos scanned onto the computer. It was naptime, so not too many smiles, but she looked adorable in her dress!
….this is what you find during your son’s “naptime”. Yes, that is blood. Everywhere. It was also in the exact shape of his pacifier. He thought it was hilarious. I did NOT find is so hilarious. I can clearly recall hearing him talking on the monitor, “Mommy, wipe my nose. Mommy, wipe my fingers.” I […]
Ainsley is 6 months old today!!!!! We love her so so so much and we completely enjoy watching her grow and shine. She is such a beautiful little baby, full of happiness and joy. Ainsley always has smiles to share and giggles to give. It’s unbelievable that she is already 6 months old. I will […]
Yes, Ethan used a fork. For the first time EVER! I know it doesn’t sound like a big deal to most people, but it is a HUGE deal in our household. We cheered, he giggled, and we all rejoiced. I just needed to mark the occasion and mention it on here. We are so proud […]
Sometimes children say the funniest things unintentionally and all parents should write those things down, so that it can be used as blackmail one day. The following two stories are examples of such blackmail: * One of Ethan’s favorite activities is talking about colors. Every color in the room. The color of the apple. The […]
So, this is the house we are signing paperwork on tonight. Since we haven’t sold our house yet, it will be a contingent offer, so *fingers crossed* that no one else buys it before we get rid of our house! We had a married couple that were going to buy our house, but it fell […]
I just had to share a video!
We have been so incredibly busy and I have had “update blog” on my to-do list for the past month! I promise that lots of pictures and stories will be added in the next few days. Here are a few to hold you over:
Ethan is now saying over 20 words! This all just happened recently and we are so excited… He also knows all his letters and the sounds that each one makes. Just this week, he started stringing letters together to spell words and he did this all on his own. One night while Garrett was giving […]
Well, we have no time right now to give a rundown of our latest events, so we figured a simple picture post would sum things up fairly well. Plus, everyone enjoys a good photo, right? However, before I start, I must give a huge THANK YOU to Garrett and my mum, Nonie. Without their help […]
Our family would like to introduce our newest addition, Ainsley Catherine! She was born on Friday, September 11, 2009 at 8:41pm. She weighed 6 pounds 10 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. I cannot believe that she is already almost 5 weeks old, but time flies when you are exhausted, I suppose! I was scheduled […]
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